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Select the statement that best describes you I'm a first-time buyer I'm moving to my next home I'm a downsizer I'm newly single I'm a Realtor I'm moving from another city I'm new to Canada I'm an investment buyer
What community are you most interested in? Hotchkiss Mahogany Citadel Secord Rangeview Montrose Sawgrass Park Maple Crest
What's your price range? 400,000 to 499,000 500,000 to 599,000 600,000 to 699,000 Over 700,000
When do you plan to buy? ASAP 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 9 months 9 to 12 months 1 year +
City Calgary Edmonton
Preferred Home Style Attached Garage Laned Paired Estate Bungalow (hold 'Ctrl' key and click to select multiple options)
Model(s) of Interest
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